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Monday, October 31, 2005

The Washington Affair

I refuse to call it "Plamegate". Why does everyone insist on taking the name of someone or something involved and putting "gate" on the end? (Yes, I do know about Watergate, but still, why?).

For all those who don't know, Joe Wilson was sent by the U.S. Government to investigate claims from documents that fell into the hands of Italian Intelligence reporting the Saddam Hussein had tried to by Uranium Yellowcake from Niger (this was before the war in Iraq. We now know that the documents were forged, but not who they were forged by). Mr. Wilson found that these allegations were false, but the Bush Administration already had their hearts set on Iraq. They wouldn't listen, and became angry when Mr. Wilson would not tell them what they wanted to hear. A while later, Mrs. Valerie Plame, Joe Wilson's wife and a CIA undercover Agent, was outed by the press. It has now been found by the Special Prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, that her identity as a CIA agent was leaked by the Government. Those under investigation are Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Chief of Staff to Vice-President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, one of Bush's Political Strategists and close advisors (he helped build the case for war in Iraq) and (possibly, and we can always hope) Vice-President Dick Cheney, the most powerful Vice-President in years.
Libby has been indicted already, but not for the leaking of Mrs. Plame's identity, but for lying about it (1 count of Obstruction of Justice, 2 counts of Perjury and 2 counts of making false statements). If he is found guilty, he could face 30 years in prison and fines of up to $1,250,000. Rove is still under investigation, but perhaps Fitzgerald is going higher, perhaps he has his sights on the very top of the administration. If the Bush Administration's luck is out, it is possible that the whole case for the war will be officially, once-and-for all discredited. I'm putting htis here mainly so nobody forgets what has happened (this is a premanent record), but also to help those that don't know what's going on.

Point of Law: International Law dictates that no nation may engage in an aggressive war. The first charge for the Nazis at Nuremburg was starting an aggressive war. So much for a "legal" war.


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