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Monday, April 18, 2005

Once More Into The Breach Dear Friends, Once More

Forgive the Shakespeare, I saw Julius Caesar at the Barbican on Saturday and am back to thinking that Shakespeare's good. The Breach in question is school. I have also been reading If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O'Brien and I am feeling a similar way about school that he did about Vietnam. I really don't want to go back, do you think they'll accept a form of Combat Fatigue as a reason for not going to school?
Anyway, still on the subject of school and in keeping with the political theme that seems to exist here, I have something to say to Jamie Oliver:
Don't try to give us healthy school dinners before you can give us food that tastes nice. Walk before you run Jamie. I am actually eating food at school (I didn't for about four years, this has resulted in my being able to not eat and feel ok) and I am starting to remember why I didn't eat at school. Packed lunches are out because I just don't like them and it's something else to carry but really, you'd think a school with as much money as Dulwich could afford decent meals. I'm going to hunt down the catering committee and try to bring them around. They're hard people to find you know, must be fear that's keeping them in hiding. Anyway, see you all when I return from hell.
Be Seeing You


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