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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Philosophy #1

For all those that don't know (which is most of you), I occaisionally have moments of very clear thought. In these moments I think about life and come out with a philosophy for a certain aspect of life. So, this is one of the first ideas that I had, it's about how we live.
Every day we change. Every day we stop being one person and start to be another. It's probably not too clear what I'm talking about and I shall try to explain. I have noticed a problem at school. The problem is this: everybody has a personality, not a problem in itself, but they all have a certain personality, ne specific personality for the droves of children at schools around the country. It is a cruel personality, a personality that includes bigotry and need to be horrible to people who you may percieve as being the type of person that this bigotry is directed against. You all know what I'm talking about.
The problem is that this is destroying people's lives. It is making people unhappy, and why is it done? Toi avoid being the sort of person that the bigotry is directed against. I am sure that if we acted how we really feel, and didn't judge people by what they thought, or did to relax, or the way they dressed we would all be a lot happier. We should, instead, judge people on whether they are nice. It's very simple really, all those who actually believed in this personality (I'm starting to wonder if this is the word I want, but it will have to do) will become disliked. And that should make them realise that they are wrong.
I am sure that I am not the first person to put forward this belief, but it is something that needs to be said as often as possible.
Any other thoughts that I have will be published later.
"An unexamined life is not worth living by men"
Be Seeing you


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about women? Sorry. Good post- I'm only glad I haven't been a victim of such bigotry nor, I hope, a perpetrator of the same.

7:52 PM  

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