Reality, or something like it

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Location: London, England, United Kingdom

Friday, April 29, 2005

Philosophy #2

As you may have gathered, I'm not a big fan of religion. However, I've had a thought.
The basic message of all religion is "Be nice to other people". However, they also demand that you believe in their God. So, presumably, if you don't believe, there's no point in being nice, because you'll burn (according to Dante, the outermost circle of hell is reserved for benevolent sinners. It may be the outside, but it's still Hell.). Now, we don't really need all the different denominations of religion, we don't even need religions, all we need is to be nice to one another, without the squabbling and sometimes bloody combat between the denominations and religions.
Just a thought
"An unexamined life is not worth living by men" - Socrates
Be Seeing You

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Concert Venues

OK, I ment to do this post on Tuesday but never got round to it. On Monday I performed at the Royal Albert Hall. It's a wonderful venue, with large dressing rooms (however the arena is a little bt cold, surprisingly). So, anyway, I've been thinking about the various venues I've played at and here's a guide to some of the things about venues.
1. Never play at schools. Ever. Unless they are very, very old schools with very old, very big halls.
2. St. John's, Smith's Square is an excellent place to play and has a very good restaurant. However, the dressing room is a small section of the crypt and it's just not possible to fit an orchestra inside.
3. The Fairfield Hall and The Ashcroft Theatre are good. But the dressing rooms behind the stage aren't that great, however if they are on the top two floors they can be quite fun.
4. Using the telephones in your dressing room to call your mates in other dressing rooms on the internal line is ok, just don't get the phone cut off like we did at the Fairfield Hall.
5. The Royal Albert Hall is very, very good.
Be Seeing You

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Outcome of AGI

Ok, well, we lost. To the Navy.
This proves once and for all that the Inspection is rigged.
The Navy have about...
15 people, so it has to be rigged, bearing in mind that Ben is the best RAF leader that we've had for a long time.
Be Seeing You

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Good luck RAF

As I shall be playing at the Royal Albert Hall tommorrow, I shall not be attending the Inspection for the Dulwich CCF. So I want to wish good luck to the defending champions and the greatest section at the school: The RAF. (Don't worry, those Army and Navy people haven't got a chance against such a well organised machine, thanks to Ben)
Be Seeing You

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Philosophy #1

For all those that don't know (which is most of you), I occaisionally have moments of very clear thought. In these moments I think about life and come out with a philosophy for a certain aspect of life. So, this is one of the first ideas that I had, it's about how we live.
Every day we change. Every day we stop being one person and start to be another. It's probably not too clear what I'm talking about and I shall try to explain. I have noticed a problem at school. The problem is this: everybody has a personality, not a problem in itself, but they all have a certain personality, ne specific personality for the droves of children at schools around the country. It is a cruel personality, a personality that includes bigotry and need to be horrible to people who you may percieve as being the type of person that this bigotry is directed against. You all know what I'm talking about.
The problem is that this is destroying people's lives. It is making people unhappy, and why is it done? Toi avoid being the sort of person that the bigotry is directed against. I am sure that if we acted how we really feel, and didn't judge people by what they thought, or did to relax, or the way they dressed we would all be a lot happier. We should, instead, judge people on whether they are nice. It's very simple really, all those who actually believed in this personality (I'm starting to wonder if this is the word I want, but it will have to do) will become disliked. And that should make them realise that they are wrong.
I am sure that I am not the first person to put forward this belief, but it is something that needs to be said as often as possible.
Any other thoughts that I have will be published later.
"An unexamined life is not worth living by men"
Be Seeing you

Friday, April 22, 2005

Lies and Cannabis

I am fed up of teachers lying. Today Assembly was a man droning on and on about cannabis. He said some things about it that were true but a lot that was just wrong. One of the major lies he told was that cannabis makes you mentally ill. It doesn't. This was prved by American scientists many years ago.
So, why is cannabis illegal? I'm not really sure. It has the same effects as smoking. In fact, according to various reliable sources, it isn't really that addictive. So what's wrong with it? Well, nothing as far as I can see. So maybe we should be allowed to smoke cannabis. Well, I'm not sure, it's an idea.
The other message is question everything that you are told. As Socrates said: "An unexamined life is not worth living".
Be Seeing You

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Something else you need to know about Pope Benedict XVI

Until his election, Ratzinger led the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. That's the latest incarnation of the Inquisition (A very Christian organisation that went around torturing and burning people).
So I would advise all Heretics to lay low for a while or seek protection elsewhere

A New Pope

Cardinal Ratzinger (Now that is a name) is to be known as Pope Benedict XVI (that's sixteenth for all those that didn't know, like Dan). The man that was called Pope Jean-Paul II "Enforcer". "Enforcer", isn't that a Mafia term? Oh well, here's what you need to know:
He's the first German Cardinal and deeply Conservative. So we can look forward to another long period of a regressive Catholic Church that encourages all sorts of things (see earlier posts and sorry Catholics)
Meanwhile, Dan has finally set up a blog of his own, well done Dan. There's a link on the left of this page and I suggest you all go over there and take a look.
Be Seeing You

Monday, April 18, 2005

Once More Into The Breach Dear Friends, Once More

Forgive the Shakespeare, I saw Julius Caesar at the Barbican on Saturday and am back to thinking that Shakespeare's good. The Breach in question is school. I have also been reading If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O'Brien and I am feeling a similar way about school that he did about Vietnam. I really don't want to go back, do you think they'll accept a form of Combat Fatigue as a reason for not going to school?
Anyway, still on the subject of school and in keeping with the political theme that seems to exist here, I have something to say to Jamie Oliver:
Don't try to give us healthy school dinners before you can give us food that tastes nice. Walk before you run Jamie. I am actually eating food at school (I didn't for about four years, this has resulted in my being able to not eat and feel ok) and I am starting to remember why I didn't eat at school. Packed lunches are out because I just don't like them and it's something else to carry but really, you'd think a school with as much money as Dulwich could afford decent meals. I'm going to hunt down the catering committee and try to bring them around. They're hard people to find you know, must be fear that's keeping them in hiding. Anyway, see you all when I return from hell.
Be Seeing You

Friday, April 15, 2005

The Situation is getting worse

In my search for additional funds I have done something I thought I never would. Manual Labour. I spent two hours this afternoon shovelling sand from the road outside my house into the drive. It's there for cement. It would have been fine, had it not been for the fact that the sand was actually heavier than expected, especially when it filled my wheelbarrow. And the bloody wheelbarrow broke causing a lot of trouble and it started to rain quite heavily.Ah well, good for £20.
Right then, back to thinking up less physically tiring ways of earning money.
Be Seeing You.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A Cat

Once again, as I have nothing important to write about and I feel that I should write something I'm going to write about a cat that I met whilest walking home from Wimbledon. It was a very friendly cat that followed me as I walked home. consequently, I spent about ten minutes trying to persuade said cat that it wasn't a good idea to follow me as I couldn't feed it. I don't know if you've ever tried to get a cat to stop following you (and I'm sure you haven't), but it is very very difficult. Finally it started raining so it hid under a car and left me alone. A strange cat, definately.
Also, a quick note to Dan, if he's reading this. I need you to find out how odds are calculated for bookmaking, I have an idea.
Be Seeing You

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Day

Ok, nothing really to talk about so I'll just relate to you what I did for no reason other than I feel like it. I left the house about two and a half hours before I had to and walked up the hill to the War Memorial in Wimbledon Village. It's a damn nice place Wimbledon Village. Anyway, the I returned and wandered around bookshops. Can't think why, I'm reading a book and I have many others yet to read. Then I walked through the Piaza to be stopped by a girl collecting money for charity. I did stop when she asked, but being under 18 I couldn't really do anything. I then went to see if I could get a Dire Straits CD cheaply. I couldn't. On the way back I was stopped again by the girl and had a proper chat, mainly because she was bored. She was quite a nice girl, but from Croyden. Oh well, nobody's perfect (sorry people from Croyden). Then I met some mates at the station and we had a meal at a restaurant called Tapanco. It serves Italian, Mexican and American food. A very well known mix there. We had a rather strange conversation about things in general and one of our number's affairs. Then we saw Sahara at the cinema next door. It's a bit mindless but not too bad. Hope you are all well.
Be Seeing You

Monday, April 11, 2005


Right, I've got nothing to do apart from talk to people over MSN, so I think I will have a go at Religion, specifically Christianity (letters to the usual address).
Firstly, Hell. Now, I'm told that hell is not a nice place and unless I believe I'm going to burn. This is what I don't understand about religion. You can't get to Paradise without believing in God, no matter how nice you are. And then there are the different denominations. Which is right?
Next: religion just isn't good for humanity. Jihad, a very bloody business and caused by religion. Crusades, an even bloodier business and caused by religion. And then there are the people who kill for their religion, like people who kill family planning doctors...
Now, moving very swiftly on to abortion. What's the problem with it? Surely it would be better for a woman to have a child when it can be supported and have a decent life, as opposed to forcing babies on teenagers and rape victims who might not be ready or even able to support a child. Should we really be letting an extreme right-wing religious group dictate our policy to us, like they are in America?
And then there's AIDS. Now, the Catholic church believes that contraception is bad (why?) and therefore shouldn't be used. Well, maybe if condoms were used we wouldn't get as much AIDS in the world. Makes sense doesn't it? Why doesn't the Catholic church think logically.
And then there's the Holocaust. The Vatican supported it. Yes they did, they actually signed a pact with Hitler saying so. And they call abortionists Nazis.
So, do we ned organised religion, or should we just tell people to be nice to each other, which is the basic message of every religion (Satanism excepted). Like I said, letters to the usual address.
Be Seeing You

So tired

Ok, so despite staying up for a long time talking to people on MSN and feeling very tired at the end of it, I still didn't get to sleep. So I got up early this morning and did nothing for a bit longer than usual. Anyway, then I went into Wimbledon and bought Dogma. It's such a funny film and only £5, so that's not bad. Then I watched it and now I'm doing this. So, that's all for now folks.
Be Seeing You

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Truth About Communism

I was shocked to read today that George Bush, in his infinite wisdom, has praised the late Pope John Paul II for his stand against Communism. As a semi-communist I feel it is important for me to say something. We really are nice people. Who wouldn't want equality. What Mr. Bush doesn't seem to understand is that Communism isn't about Totalitarianism. That's only what happened in the USSR. Admittadly that was a bad thing, but equality and an end to war and starvation is good. So, long live the Soviet Social Republic of Great Britain.
On a lighter note, everything is giong well. My book is coming on and I came third in a Squash Tournament. SO everything is well. I hope that it is the same with all of you.
Be Seeing You.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Be Cool

I went to see Be Cool today. It's ok, not as good as Get Shorty, but it's ok. however, what really annoyed me was the Gangster (or should that be Gansta) rappers. They are quite possibly one of the most ridiculous people that you will ever see. They speak like fools, they are criminal (although not high-class like the Mafia, maybe I should stop watching The Godfather) and they are becoming increasingly problematic. Not to mention the fact that they dress like they have no money. Look, if you want to be stylish, you have to be subtle (think Va Va Voom advert). The amount of "bling" (never liked that word) that they wear is stupid. If you want to look good, wear something smart. What they wear is not smart, it's just gaudy. And the music is awful. So down with Gangser (Gangsta) rappers (and possibly up the Mafia).
Be Seeing You

Friday, April 08, 2005

Do I really care?

While reading The Independant this morning I came across a small advert. It was complaining about the fact that we didn't have any say in Charles and Camilla's wedding and it said that it would be a disaster if Camilla became Queen. Riiight. Well first of all I would like to say that it really isn't our business who Charles marries unless it is someone of a certain rank which disqualifies him for the throne (it happened before). Secondly, it won't be that bad. It seemed to be saying two things about it. Firstly that she would be our head of state. This is just wrong, Charles would be, seeing as King is senior to Queen, (sorry to any feminists but that's the way it is). Secondly they said that we should choose our head of State. Now this would be true, if the Head of State had any power. The truth is they don't. So everyone should just stop complaining.
Be Seeing You.

The Barbican

Ok ,so I lied, it's not all commentary, some of it will be about me, ike everyone else's but not a lot.
Last night I went to see a concert at the Barbican. Beethoven's Coreolan oveture and his sixth and seventh symphonies. Now, I've never liked the Barbican. I mean, what possessed them to build something that ugly. It's absolutely hideous. It's concrete, there are no windows and it's just about the most threatening place I've ever been. Anyway, it was a good evening and, once again, I failed to resist the temptation to buy things (two CDs and book this time). I really should stop doing that. Oh well.
Be seeing you.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Is there any hope for Peace?

As you may or may not know, yesterday a bus station in the Indian Kashmir was attacked by militants. Today, a bus from that same bus station is supposed to make the first journey for a very long time from India to Pakistan across the Kashmir. This was to be the first tangible result of the peace talks in the area. But, like Ireland (and more recently the Middle East) peace talks don't seem to work. Next year will be the ninetieth since the beginning of the troubles in Ireland and we have only just about managed to get something resembling peace there. So, is there any hope for peace anywhere? Well, the answer looks like no, not for a long time. We are facing the same problems that we did in the 1920s and 30s, without the rise of Hitler and the Depression. Conflicts are breaking out all over the world and the body that is supposed to stop them (now the UN, then the League of Nations), is failing. So, what exactly is wrong with the world. Maybe it's the refusal of world leaders (not mentioning any names) to stop making war and destabilising countries (still not mentioning any names), or is it the growing lack of natural resources such as oil (still not mentioning any names). Or maybe it's just human nature, maybe there's something about us that means we have to kill our fellow humans. Is there? I don't know, what do you think, is there any hope for peace in our time?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Britain, the Banana Republic

A few days ago Zimbabwe had a General election and, amid the usual (and probably true) accusations of vote-rigging, Robert Mugabe won another term as President of Zimbabwe.
Yesterday Tony Blair announced that on May the fifth a General election will be held in Britain. Also, six Labour activists were found attempting to rig the postal voting system in Birmingham. Now, Labour dismissed them as a few activists but it highlights something. Namely that we are not, as we like to believe, above these countries like Zimbabwe. So, why were postal votes introduced in Britain? Well, the government claimed that it was to increase voter turnout. But is it really worth increasing voter turnout like this (a good thing, as it leads to a better representation of the country's views) if we end up being susceptible to vote-rigging? So, hopefully this is the only time we will see this happening in Britain, but if not: Long live El Presidente Blair.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


What kind of a greeting is that anyway. WASSUP? What does it mean. What the hell am I supposed to say to it anyway:
I don't know, the sky? Anyway, this is going to be a commentary on the world and some of the strange things that go on in it, like WASSUP. The first thing you need to understand is that I don't like a lot of things. I don't like religion, America, France, Tony Blair and the Government, just to name a few things. So I'll probably be putting a slant on things but then, what would be the point of me talking about it?
So, I'll be seeing you later,

The Pope is dead, long live the Pope

Now, unless you're absolutely stupid, you can't have failed to notice that Pope John Paul II died on Sunday the third of April 2005. This has sparked all kinds of responses. A multitude of Catholics are expected to descend on Rome, politicians are flying in to mourn the dead Pope and Prince Charles and Camilla have put off their wedding. Also, the papers have begun speculating about who, out of the 300 odd Cardinals, will be elected Pope now John Paul is dead. This was particulaly interesting to me because, as well as seeing the different political groups in the Catholic Church, (The Jesuits, The Opus Dei etc.), one thing became clear about the church. All of the front runners are right-wing hardliners.
For example:
Cardinal Francis Arinze, the best hope for the first black Pope, is viciously homophobic, saying that he would like to "wash their [homosexuels] heads with holy water".
And this is the attitude some Christians that I know. Now, it's all very well believing in God, but is an intolerant organisation which wields immense power, the kind things that Governments should be supporting. Do we really want policy on issues, particulaly abortion, dictated to us by a group of Christian extremists.
so, Long live the new Pope, whoever he may be, but let's hope that he is more tolerant than Cardinal Arinze.